As a mother who lost a child, I want to take a moment to recommend a resource. Stillbirthday is a comprehensive, supportive network, where you can be put in touch with a “mentor” who has lost a child herself (among many other resources). My loss long predates the site’s existence, but I was lucky enough to have a “mentor” myself – a friend with a similar loss who emailed me the entire time I was in the hospital, talking about what she went through, how it felt, what was coming next, etc. I cannot ever express how much this mattered to me, and matters to me still.

<3 I know you're reading this, and I love you. <3

We formed an amazing bond, and it is one of the most amazing, soothing, helpful friendships I've ever had.

I do have to say that the site is somewhat religious – the woman who runs it is a devout Catholic. But the mentors themselves are from a variety of backgrounds and there is support available for almost anyone. This site has also been attacked multiple times by bloggers, because a few of the mentors at some point also were involved with The Mama Tao, a site that brutally satirizes the cultish behavior of the hardcore homebirth/”natural” birth/unassisted birth advocates.

What. The. Fuck.

Things like creepy posed photos of handmade VBAC dolls.

Stillbirthday is not affiliated with The Mama Tao, and there are no current mentors for the former who currently write for the latter. Furthermore, there are a wide variety of mentors volunteering to help women going through one of the most soul-tearingly painful experiences ever, so there’s no reason to avoid (or defame) such a heartfelt, helpful site like Stillbirthday. So if you or someone you love has suffered a miscarriage or any other loss of a baby, share the site. It’s beautiful and needed.

It's an honor to know the women that make that site happen.

It's a beautiful resource.

Cross-posted to Isaac’s Journey

(I know, I know. Still MIA. Although I do have the time more frequently these days, blogging takes a level of emotional energy and focus that is daunting. I’ve been working on a lot of other projects. This is the upside of being a smaller-scale blogger; I’m not really losing too much traffic, and it perks up if I post something particularly awesome. Which I really truly will.)